Jan 26, 2011

Ball Screw Assembly and Friction

Ball screws are types of linear actuators which are employed in many ways, most typically as they are linear actuators that can operate with low levels of friction. This effect greatly decreases the efficiency of any system. Friction is a term used to describe a resistance to movement, that can be observed between two or more substances that are touching. Depending on the nature of the surfaces of these two bodies, the anti-motion force will be of a large amount. Usually, the less pitted the surface layer, the less friction that will resist the motion between the two objects.

Low friction tools for example ball screws display exceptional efficiency. This is a consequence of the Law of Conservation of Energy. This scientific fact says that one cannot create or obliterate energy, you can only transform it into a different energy form. The important point here with regards to ball screws is that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Once a certain amount of energy has been applied to the ball screw assembly, it is not possible to create anymore during the workings of the ball screw. However a substantial chunk of this energy can be dissipated, if it is changed to heat energy because of friction. Therefore the lower the friction within a ball screw assembly, the more efficient it is.

An additional benefit of small amounts of friction inside a ball screw assembly is a longer life expectancy. In the case of two objects that are pushing against each other, this will result in wear. The incessant scraping wears away the two bodies, slowly changing their shape. As ball screws exhibit only little bits of friction, particularly if appropriate lubricant has been used, they are also longer lasting than other forms of screws.
A further point is that a selection of ball screws function in reverse, especially as a result of the low friction and mobility in the ball screw assembly. Therefore there is no obstructions to movement in either direction.

1 comment:

  1. Ground Ball Screws requires highest state of art technology in production and is important feature of industrial machinery.
